blank'/> CreatedToMove: May 2011

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Create Your Own Workout

Today we're going to be creating our own workout for the week so fill that water bottle, tighten your shoes and grab a towel!!

The options are endless as to how you can structure a workout but this time we're going to have an interval focus. I enjoy the interval because it's fast and simple. This template will allow for you to get a great workout, change up your exercises as you please and keep things simple.

A few things before beginning:
1. Smile
2. During the interval you need to go fast while staying in control. Ex: while doing chest if you have a 30 seconds set, your not going to pace yourself, you're doing as many push-ups as you possibly can in that time.
3. The time for each exercise is not set in stone. You want to pick a time where you can go hard for the full set. If part way through you cannot physically go one more rep that's a good indicator to reduce the time. If you are not able to look at a clock while exercising try doing a "warm-up set." Do each of the exercises and count how many repetitions you do during the time then just repeat that number every time rather than timing yourself.
4. Smile
5. In the sample sets I have you repeating 4x. That is the minimum, you can repeat 10x if you want. Personally I do 4x and just make sure to really push myself hard every set.
6. Smile
7. In the sample sets I only give you the muscle group. Go to and click on the exercise library to get your exercises. If you have other exercises in mind feel free to use them. AceFitness is just one of many great online resources.
8. During the cardio set, do anything that is going to raise your heart rate way up. Don't hold back because you have a 2 minute break after.
9. Break times are not in stone either. For some of you you may not recover in 2 minutes and may need longer. During the break you want your heart rate to come back down to near normal, If your heart is still pounding at the end of 2 minutes take a longer break.
10. If for some reason you have to miss a workout you can incorporate those exercises into another workout day. For example if you miss the last day, take the bicep and triceps exercises and add them on to day1. So instead of Chest/Back/Cardio it will be Chest/Back/Triceps/Biceps/Cardio.

Now that you know the details about your workout let's get into the routine. Below I wrote out 4 different exercise days with 3 levels. All you need to do is insert your exercise and go hard!!

1. Chest/ Back/ Cardio

Level 1:
30 seconds Chest
30 seconds rest
30 seconds Back
30 seconds rest
30 seconds Cardio
2 minute break
repeat 4x

Level 2:
30 seconds Chest
15 seconds rest
30 seconds Back
15 seconds rest
30 seconds Cardio
90 second break
repeat 4x

Level 3
30 seconds Chest
30 seconds Back
30 seconds Cardio
90 second break break
repeat 4x

2. Quads/ Hamstrings/ Cardio

Level 1:
30 seconds Quads
30 seconds rest
30 seconds Hamstrings
30 seconds rest
30 seconds Cardio
2 minute break
repeat 4x

Level 2:
30 seconds Quads
15 seconds rest
30 seconds Hamstrings
15 seconds rest
30 seconds Cardio
90 second break
repeat 4x

Level 3
30 seconds Quads
30 seconds Hamstrings
30 seconds Cardio
90 second break break
repeat 4x

3. Shoulders/ Abs/Core/ Cardio

Level 1:
30 seconds Abs/Core
30 seconds rest
30 seconds Shoulders
30 seconds rest
30 seconds Cardio
2 minute break
repeat 4x

Level 2:
30 seconds Abs/Core
15 seconds rest
30 seconds Shoulders
15 seconds rest
30 seconds Cardio
90 second break
repeat 4x

Level 3
30 seconds Abs/Core
30 seconds Shoulders
30 seconds Cardio
90 second break break
repeat 4x

4. Biceps/ Triceps/ Cardio

Level 1:
30 seconds Biceps
30 seconds rest
30 seconds Triceps
30 seconds rest
30 seconds Cardio
2 minute break
repeat 4x

Level 2:
30 seconds Biceps
15 seconds rest
30 seconds Triceps
15 seconds rest
30 seconds Cardio
90 second break
repeat 4x

Level 3
30 seconds Biceps
30 seconds Triceps
30 seconds Cardio
90 second break break
repeat 4x