What's motivating you? Is it your wedding pictures? Your next vacation? How about “getting fit for summer?” Sound familiar? Those things may get you started but are only short term and as soon as they're over, so is your routine. Rather than telling you what to have motivate you, I'm going to tell you what inspires me to stay healthy. While I do like feeling strong and looking my best, that's just a motivating factor. What inspires me is having the strength and energy to serve God and not be hindered physically. I want to be the best I can for my wife and family. If I come home drained what good am I to them? To me, if I'm beat, that isn't quality time, just time. And lastly, I stay healthy to best serve those around me throughout my day.
Now that we're motivated, let's take a look at some of the benefits of exercising but this time when you read them, think of what it would be like if these things were a reality in your life and how you would feel as a result.
Slows the Aging Process
Increases Metabolism
Decreases Body Fat
Increases Strength and Energy
Improves Balance
Prevents Osteoporosis by Increasing Bone Mass
Naturally Prevents Depression and Reduces Stress
Strengthens your Heart and Increases Circulation
Helps you Recover from Injury and Sickness Faster
Reduces Risk of Cancer and Heart Disease
Helps you Sleep Better
Increases Metabolism
Decreases Body Fat
Increases Strength and Energy
Improves Balance
Prevents Osteoporosis by Increasing Bone Mass
Naturally Prevents Depression and Reduces Stress
Strengthens your Heart and Increases Circulation
Helps you Recover from Injury and Sickness Faster
Reduces Risk of Cancer and Heart Disease
Helps you Sleep Better
So now that we're motivated and we know why exercise is so beneficial, let's hear some excuses.
“I don't have the time.” I completely understand how time can be an issue, but the great thing is that you can do an effective workout in only 12 minutes. I'll be showing you how to do this.
“There is No gym near my house, I don't have any exercise equipment, I can't afford a gym membership.” Very valid reasons, however, there are many effective exercises you can do only using body weight so you're never out of options. You can workout anytime and anywhere.
“I don't know what to do.” Hiring a personal trainer or joining a group fitness class is a great way to learn some great exercises and routines. There are also lots of resources online to help you get started.
“I'm too old.” No you're not. Exercise is an ageless activity. As with anyone at any age or fitness level, we all start where our current fitness allows us. I had an 84 year old in my group fitness classes for a year, slightly modified, but he did it and his health improved exponentially.
“I don't want to get big muscles (women)” It is physiologically extremely difficult, if not impossible, for women to develop huge, bulging muscles. You would need a hard core bodybuilding program along with many supplements and anabolic steroids for a woman to get bulky muscle. What you will get is a nice toned, firmer body. There are many skinny women out there with plenty of wiggle in their walk because they have done nothing to tone up. Trust me, toned is better.
“I am embarrassed because I am fat” If you feel embarrassed by your current physique then avoid the busy super fancy gyms and find a smaller, less trendy gym. And honestly, most people are so focused on how they look that they don't even notice other people.
“I have tried it before but it never works out” Going from never working out to exercising 5 days a week is a great way to make yourself fail. Set yourself up to succeed. Make 5 times a week a long term goal and start with something more achievable like 2-3 times a week and increase as you're able.
“It makes my joints feel worse. I have injuries so I can't” There are so many modifications to make an exercise work for you that there is no reason to ever use these excuses.
“Exercise is Boring, I don't like it” exercise doesn't have to be a time of torture, it can and should be something you enjoy. Swimming, tennis, dancing, hiking, cycling, playing with your kids, jump rope. You name it and as long as it elevates your heart rate, it counts. So find something you love to do and do it more. If you “stick it out” for about 3 months, most likely you won't stop because you'll love it!!
Well there ya have it, we're motivated, we know how great exercise is for us and we're all out of excuses. I'm excited for some great workouts so grab your gear, let's go, and don't forget, you are Created To Move.
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