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Monday, March 14, 2011

The Difference Between Good Health and Exceptional Health

Why do Chiropractors always want me to do these silly exercises? They don't really do they? This is a question that I had years ago when I first went through chiropractic care prior to learning about corrective care. While in that particular office I wasn't given personalized exercises. Instead, I was handed a whole booklet of generic exercises without any instruction on which ones to do or how to do them. So what did I do? Simple, I didn't do them and didn't think twice about it.

So how about these exercises that I'm doing now that I'm under corrective care? That's a great question and I'm going to answer it with my own personal story.

I started corrective care
with Dr. Jay almost 4 years ago now and it has been an amazing journey. In my first 3 months of care, coming in 3x per week, Dr J only adjusted my neck. Three months into my care I was amazed!! From only an upper cervical adjustment my forward head posture was gone, my hips were no longer all twisted up and my shoulders were now exactly were they were supposed to be!! How could that happen from only "cracking" my neck?

So, Getting regular adjustments every week gave me great results. My body responded very well and my health went to an even higher level. But what was it that took me to an exceptional level? It was the "Spinal Reconstructive Exercise Program," aka doing the exercises the Doctor prescribed. As a result of adding this one simple thing into my daily routine my spine went back exactly to where it should be, with only one side effect I was aware of.....NO MORE ALLERGIES!!

I've told lots of you this story because it is amazing how the body can heal and restore to "normal" function. Now I want to get to the real part of this story, the part I think is really important to hear. Following what the Doctor told me to do got me the results I was here to get, no question about it. However, after I had the results I wanted, I stopped doing my exercises and I lost the curve in my spine again even though I was still getting adjusted!! Did you catch that? Doing the exercises and getting adjusted is together what it takes to get full correction. It is also what is essential to keep your correction.

The message I want to get across is to stick with the exercise routine the Doctor gives because it is absolutely imperative if you want to go from good health to exceptional health.

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